Private boat Tour
The most exclusive way to experience the lake, breathe its essence, savor its every facet: the private cruise! Of varying duration, starting from 45 minutes, the private boat tour on Lake Maggiore is an intimate and cozy experience with a new generation boat or a classic one with a vintage flavor for your exclusive use, accompanied by a skipper, with decades of experience, who knows the lake like the back of his hand. The breeze will caress your face, the sun's rays grazing your skin, a unique setting that holds scenic wonders, ancient settlements, villas and mansions that conceal stories, facts and people. Fishermen, Dames and travelers, but also economics, history and literature, not to mention cinematography, love affairs, nature, gossip, these are some of the topics that can become the protagonists of your private boat tour. Guided private cruises on Lake Maggiore are something I have worked on a lot and still delve into: I never end discovering something new to add to my stories. If this is your first time to Lake Maggiore, surely this is the best way to start discovering its many nuances. Do you think you know Lake Maggiore well? I bet there is something you don't know yet!